OstomyCareSupply.com is an extension of Eagle Highland Pharmacy, located in Indianapolis, IN USA. Our pharmacy has been the premier pharmacy in Indianapolis for decades, serving the health care needs of patients and their caregivers with convalescent aids and medical supplies such as ostomy and wound and skin care products.

Our staff of registered pharmacists licensed in the state of Indiana and knowledgeable customer service professionals are here to help. Owned by Lindsey and Ryan Barton and their dog, Cooper, Eagle Highland and Ostomy Care Supply are here to serve you!
We have many more Ostomy care products in stock. If your web search does not come up with the product you are looking for, please call us at 866-207-5909 for assistance.
Our phone hours are Monday – Friday from 9 am – 5:30 pm Eastern time.
We look forward to serving you!